DSMSI - 2019

Dynamical System Modeling and Stability Investigation


  1. Section "Mathematical methods of system investigation"

    • Investigation of differential, functional-differential and difference systems.
    • Investigation of system stability, controllability and optimization.
    • Bifurcations and chaos in dynamical systems.
    • Lyapunov's methods in system investigation.
  2. Section "Methods and technologies of computer modeling"

    • Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics.
    • Method and Technology computer calculations.
    • Specialized software and systems.
    • Software and Systems Modeling
  3. Section "Modeling and investigation of processes in mechanics"

    • Mathematical modeling in composite materials of mechanics.
    • Modeling and investigation of dynamical processes in elastic and hydroelastic systems.
    • Mathematical modeling in connected fields of mechanics.
  4. Section "Method of control and complex systems research"

    • Methods of control and optimization.
    • The continuous-discrete systems
    • Methods of differential games.
    • Fuzzy modeling and systems with uncertainty
    • Modelling in economy and ecology
  5. Section "Logic-mathematical methods of modeling"

    • Methods and tools of subject domains specifications.
    • Methods and tools of software systems description.
    • Modal and temporal formalisms of systems modeling
